Sway Language Grammar v0.66.5

Sway is a domain-specific programming language for implementing smart contracts on blockchain platforms, most notably for the Fuel Virtual Machine (Fuel VM).

Parser Grammar


On top level, Sway allows module kind and definitions of submodule, storage, contracts, traits, libraries, structs, enums and constants. (AST: Module)

Rule module


The mod keyword registers a submodule, making its items (such as functions and structs) accessible from the parent library. If used at the top level it will refer to a file in the src folder and in other cases in a folder named after the library in which it is defined. (AST: Submodule)

Rule submodule


Provides several utility types and methods we can use in our contract. (AST: ItemUse)

Rule use


Path of a types or methods to be imported. (AST: UseTree)

Rule use-tree


Definition of a struct. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface. (AST: ItemStruct)

Rule struct


Definition of TypeField. (AST: TypeField)

Rule type-field


Definition of TypeName. (AST: Ty)

Rule type-name


Definition of an enum. Can occur at top-level within a source unit or within a contract, library or interface. (AST: ItemEnum)

Rule enum


Definition of traits. Can be used for abi and trait.(AST: Traits)

Rule traits


Define an item of an trait. (AST: ItemTraitItem).

Rule trait-item


ABI stands for Application Binary Interface.(AST: ItemAbi, doc: The ABI Declaration).

Rule abi


Define constant items. (AST: ItemConst)

Rule const


Configurable constants are special constants that behave like regular constants in the sense that they cannot change during program execution, but they can be configured after the Sway program has been built. (AST: ItemConfigurable, doc: Configurable Constants)

Rule configurable


Definition of type-alias. To declare a type alias to give an existing type another name. (AST: ItemTypeAlias)

Rule type-alias


Functions in Sway are declared with the fn keyword. (AST: ItemFn, doc: Functions)

Rule fn


fn-signature declares signature for function. (AST: FnSignature, doc: Functions)

Rule fn-signature


Generic types are a way to refer to types in general, meaning without specifying a single type. (AST: GenericParams, doc: Generic Types).

Rule generic-params


Where clause can be used to specify the required traits for the generic argument. (AST: WhereClause, doc: Trait Constraints).

Rule where-clause


A CodeBlockContents represents the body of a code block, which contains a sequence of statements and expressions. (AST: CodeBlockContents, doc: Functions). Rule code-block-contents


A fn-arg represents function arguments. (AST: FnArg, doc: Functions). Rule fn-arg


A pattern is a construct used to match and destructure data. (AST: Pattern, doc: match expressions). Rule pattern


A trait opts a type into a certain type of behavior or functionality that can be shared among types. This allows for easy reuse of code and generic programming. (AST: ItemTrait, doc: Declaring a Trait). Rule trait


Implement inherent or trait functionality. (AST: ItemImpl, doc: Implementing a Trait)

Rule impl


In smart contract development, persistent storage (storage) is used to store values that persist after the contract exits, unlike regular memory values that disappear. (AST: ItemStorage, doc: Declaring storage)

Rule storage


Define storage entry. (AST: StorageEntry, doc: Declaring storage)

Rule storage-entry


Define types of expressions. (AST: Expr, doc: If Expressions)

Rule expr